Shoebox unit is livable!

Some of you may recall Mr Yap Boh Tiong’s letter in last week’s Sunday Times (If not, click on this link:

The wife and I were expecting a response from the “pro-shoebox” camp and surely enough, there is a rebuttal letter in today’s Sunday Times.

Reference: “Cosy shoebox flats foster togetherness”- The Sunday Times, 15th April 2012

While we concede that nobody should judge or dictate someone else’s dwelling for child-bearing purposes, we feel that Ms Lo has missed the point somewhat –  by “livability” Mr Yap was actually referring to population growth and family (which generally refers to a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children) bonding. 

The counter-argument will be more compelling (in our humble opinion as always) if it comes from a family of 4 people (parents + 2 kids) living in a 463sqft apartment. Then again, we do know of some married couples who call their pets “kids” (and probably treat them better too)…

But for the rest of us who are sitting on the fence with regard to the “livability” debate, below is another opinion piece on why shoebox apartments may not be the “affordable alternative” that many buyers think they are.

Have a great week ahead!
